My interest never faded for a moment! I loved the creative and strong characters (like Hannah, Marguerite, Theresa, Alex…) and how they come into Annie’s life to teach her how to improve different parts of herself, and how to “Open Her Heart.” This is not set up like a standard novel (with a clear plot or 3 act storyline), but more of a literary and spiritual experience that feels surreal, yet so real. Almost reads like stream of consciousness at times, and other times you are reading fast paced, witty banter that will make you chuckle. I love how Ruth Cherry really thought outside the box here and took chances – didn’t just rehash the same old formula we’ve all seen a million times before which makes this book unique. I’ve read a ton of books over the years so I’m rarely surprised by anything anymore but I can say that this author managed to do it. I appreciated the brisk pace and the descriptive details that really brought the story to life and put us so clearly in Annie’s head and heart. I absolutely loved the ending and can’t wait to read more books from this in-tune and in-touch author!

-Kaylee Stevens