(The first being “Living in the Flow” – Amazing!) This one, “Open Your Heart” was a little different, but still a brilliantly fun and creative novel that borders on the surreal and existential. The title comes from the lead character Annie who faces her personal problems with the help of the different characters who come, and even though they are part of her imagination, they are a part of her and they help to shine light on her issues and guide her to self-discovering and healing…’opening her heart.’ But as we read along, we can see how many of these insights can apply to us as well and perhaps help our own lives. So much of our happiness and success relies on what we tell ourselves on a daily basis, and our mental state controls almost everything! All in all, a very good read that I’d recommend to anyone who wants to experience a different type of book that will teach and entertain you.

-Jenna Brewster